Day 1 at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics

 Welcome to our blog.

Today we were met by Waleed who gave us a warm welcome and guided us into our workspace. We spent the next hour chatting amongst ourselves and Waleed getting to know each other better to create a friendly and effective team which will aid us to support each other through our 3 week project.

Afterwards, we sat down as a group and discussed the different disciplines of our ‘topics of interest’ and created a mind map, linking these together and looking at potential post-graduate career opportunities.

We took a tour of the department and the labs, meeting members of staff and looked at a Year 2 project. This was entered into a competition which really brought to life the work of the student engineers. This was an exciting insight to the possibilities!

On return from our lunch break, we researched the Gold CREST award which we are interested in applying for upon completion of our posters at the end of our programme. We created this blog page too! 



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