What is quantum computing?
What is quantum computing? Quantum computing uses the laws of quantum mechanics to solve huge problems that are too complex for a traditional computer to solve. This form of computing uses qubits in order to tackle these problems, solving a problem which would take billions of years in a weekend. Now this is helping to solve some of the most challenging problems in modern world within a practical time.
What is a qubit? A qubit is the basic unit of information within quantum computing, like binary in a traditional computer.
Why are quantum computers quicker? In a traditional computer, binary can only be processed individually, as a 0 or 1. In quantum computing it can process 0 and 1 simultaneously allowing it to perform operations at a significantly greater speed.
What are the advantages/disadvantages? They are well suited for data analysis, optimisation tasks and simulations. As previously mentioned, they perform calculations at a largely faster rate too.
However, they are very difficult to build. Also, for some calculations they aren't expected to provide a huge time-efficiency benefit. Quantum computers also have high error rates and must be kept in the state of ultracold.
How do they keep quantum computers in the state of ultracold? Ultracold is a few degrees above absolute zero. Absolute zero is 0 Kelvin or -273 degrees Celsius. We get this by using liquid helium as a coolant in a refrigerator. Keeping the computer cold, we introduce less energy into the system, minimising the chances of the qubits flipping incorrectly between quantum states.
Example of a quantum computer:
Quantum computing holds the potential to revolutionise weather forecasting because it has the ability to process vast data sets and complex simulations. This would lead to more accurate predictions, meaning the plan Ning and preparation for extreme weather events in turn would also increase. This would enhance the overall forecasting accuracy which would reduce the death rate during these extreme weather events. It can prevent severe damage and save lives if the correct and accurate prediction is made. Climate change can also be efficiently managed with quantum computing as it can nullify the carbon dioxide in the environment.
Links: Quantum Computing: What It Is & How It Works | Built In
Quantum Computing Vs. Classical Computing In One Graphic - CB Insights Research
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