Smart Home Instructions

 Smart Home Instructions. 

-Have the IoT keyes app downloaded to your mobile/other device. 

-When open, press ‘connect’ in the top left corner. 

-Make sure your Bluetooth is on and connect to ‘HMSoft’. This is the Bluetooth chip that the smart home uses. 

-You’ll see 12 buttons 

-Going from top left and down their functions are: 

  • White LED (on/off) 

  • Relay Module (on/off) 

  • Play ‘Happy Birthday’ song 

  • Play ‘Ode to Joy’ song 

  • Measure light intensity (Lux) 

  • Measure Gas (ppm) 

  • Measure soil humidity (ppm) 

  • Measure water concentration (%) 

  • Open door (°) 

  • Open Window (°) 

  • Turn on Yellow LED 

  • Spin Fan 

There is also a password protected door that measures in morse code. Current password is ’.--.-.’ however can be changed. 


By Ruby, Paige, Luis and Sammi. 


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