The Smart Home
The smart home is a contraptions made primarily of a laser cut MDF shell fitted with nuts, bolts, screws and fixture holders. The actual modules of the house are quite complex with it having a total of 5 sensors, 2 servos, 2 buttons, an LCD display, a fan, Bluetooth module and a relay module. These are all controlled by an Arduino Plus with a shield sensor attached. Shield sensors for Arduinos are just something that sits atop the Arduino that makes it easier to plug all the pins in with the analog sensors as well. This boards also has Bluetooth capabilities allowing it to be controlled remotely (allowing access to power) with you mobile device or other device. The code for this house as a whole consists of 507 lines found here. This code as a whole allows all the different functions of the home to act independently of each other and even some rely on some others. Some examples of the is the photoresistor on the roof turning the LED on/off depending on light intensity, the humidity sensor recognizing a spike in humidity (rain) and opening/closing a window as to not allow rain to enter and even the buttons on the exterior being used to input a password in Morse code tp spin a door then lock it after a certain amount of time. The capabilities of this house are quite complex due to the wide variety of inputs and outputs connected however it does also pose some problems:
- The instructions have you using nuts and bolts but don't give you a small wrench or equivalent so it makes tightening the certain blots more difficult than it needs to be.
- The wiring required to make the components work together can get very messy and fidgety to get in due to the pins being so small.
- Understanding the code can make this as an educational medium inefficient unless the students already have a solid foundation for C or C++ coding language
- It can be a fun task to a coding/Arduino enthusiast to play around with.
- Its capabilities are quite complex so can pose a challenge to those who desire it.
- The sensors given can even be used out of context to the house so can be put to other uses and experiments whilst still using the same/similar code.
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